2009-2010 Graduate Catalog

Professional Entry-Level Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program

Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program (Year 1) Hours
Fall Semester Year I (18)  
OTD 6000 Foundations in Occupational Therapy 3
OTD 6010 Occupational Behaviors 3
OTD 6011 Occupational Behaviors Lab 1
OTD 6020 Ethical Decision Making 2
OTD 6030 Kinesiology/Anatomy: Assessing Human Performance 3
OTD 6031 Kinesiology/Anatomy: Assessing Human Performance –Lab 1
OTD 6040 Clinical Pathophysiology        3
OTD 6050 Critical Reasoning and Evidence-Based Practice 2
Spring Semester Year 1 (19)
OTD 6100 Cultural Awareness in Human Development I 3
OTD 6110 Occupational Performance for Adult Population 3
OTD 6111 Occupational Performance for Adult Population Lab 1
OTD 6120 Clinical Studies I 2
OTD 6130 Technology and Environmental Interventions I 2
OTD 6131 Technology and Environmental Interventions I Lab  1
OTD 6140 Neuroscience:  Assessing Human Performance  2
OTD 6141 Neuroscience: Assessing Human Performance Lab 1
OTD 6150 Quantitative Research Processes 2
OTD 6160 Adulthood Population Fieldwork and Seminar – Level I 2
Summer Semester Year 1 (6)
OTD 6210 Managing OT Delivery Systems 2
OTD 6220 Leadership and Public Policy 2
OTD 6250 Qualitative Research Processes 2
Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program (Year 2) Hours
Fall Semester Year 2 (19)  
OTD 6300 Cultural Awareness in Human Development  II  3
OTD 6310 Occupational Performance for Infant through Adolescent Populations  3
OTD 6311 Occupational Performance for Infant through Adolescent Populations Lab  1

OTD 6320 Clinical Studies  II


OTD 6330 Technology and Environmental Interventions II       

OTD 6331 Technology and Environmental Interventions II 1
OTD 6340 Educational Strategies in Occupational Therapy 3
OTD 6350 OT Research I  2
OTD 6360 Infant through Adolescent Populations Fieldwork and Seminar – Level I 2
Spring Semester Year 2 (18)
OTD 6400 Cultural Awareness in Human Development III 3
OTD 6410 Occupational Performance for Aging Population 2
OTD 6411 Occupational Performance for Aging Population Lab 1
OTD 6420 Clinical Studies III 2
OTD 6430 Interventions in Cognition and Perceptual Disorders  2
OTD 6431 Interventions in Cognition and Perceptual Disorders  1
OTD 6440 Culminating Project Seminar 1
OTD 6450 Research II 2
OTD 6460 Aging Population Fieldwork and Seminar – Level I 2
OTD 6470 Competency Testing   1
Summer Semester Year 2 (9) 
OTD 6480 Fieldwork level II 9

Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program (Year 3) Hours
Fall Semester Year 2 (9)  
OTD 6580 Fieldwork level II 9
Spring Semester Year 3 (12)
Each Student must select one (1) of the following four (4) Theme Courses to be completed in conjunction with the required Residency (OTD 6680)
OTD 6600 Community- Based Practice and Faith-Based Advocacy (elective) 2
OTD 6610 Entrepreneurial Leadership (elective) 2
OTD 6620 Clinical Excellence (elective) 2
OTD 6630 Technological Advances (elective) 2
OTD 6680 Residency 10
Total Progam Hours  109