Adjunct Faculty
The following faculty members served during the 2007-2008 year on a temporary or part-time basis:
Paul Abrams, Adjunct Instructor of MusicStephanie Adlington, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Mike Akbari, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
Joyce Alexander, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Nancy Allen, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Beverley Alleyne, Instructor of Accounting
James Al-Shamma, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre
Kimberly Anderson, Adjunct Instructor of Exercise Science
Adam Andrews, Adjunct Instructor of Information Systems Management
Elizabeth Ellen Argo, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Angel Bachuss, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Debra Back, Adjunct Instructor of History
Donald Bailey, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Frank Baird, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
Kimberly Balding, Adjunct Instructor of English
Kay Baluss, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Oyetunde Bamigboye, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Kathy Banks, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Rahsaan Barber, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Kimberly Haller Barnes, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Deborah Baruzzini, Adjunct Instructor of Honors
Lisa Beaty, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Debbie Belue, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Elena Bennett, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Elizabeth Bennett, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
Lawren Bercaw, Adjunct Instructor of Political Science
Rick Beresford, Adjunct Instructor of Music
David Berry, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Monte Betz, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Cynthia Bisson, Instructor, College of Arts and Sciences
Shirley Blackburn, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Natonya Blackmun, Adjunct Instructor of Communication Studies
Alys Blair, Adjunct Instructor of Physics
Marianne Blickenstaff, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Lawrence Bond, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Alison Booth, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Tanya Boswell, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Bobette Bouton, Adjunct Instruction of Education
Kelly Bowman, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Lydia Bradford, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Beth Brewster, Adjunct Instructor of General Education
David Bridges, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Gabriel Briggs, Adjunct Instructor of English
Jason Briggs, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Carol Brophy, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Gerald Brown, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Janelle Brown, Adjunct Instructor of Music
John Brown, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Administration
Susan Brown, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Buddy Bruner, Adjunct Instructor of Math
Victoria Buechel, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Robert Bullock, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
Matthew Burchett, Adjunct Instructor of General Education
Wyeth Burgess, Adjunct Instructor of English
Don Byrd, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Mark Cabaniss, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Bruce Caine, Adjunct Instructor of Psychology and Management
William Caldwell, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Rebekah Callaway, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Laura Camacho Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Sara Camp, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Todd Campbell, Adjunct Instructor of Business Law
James Carter, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Anthony Caruso, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Nancy Cason, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Wayne Causey, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Thomas Cavanaugh, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Stephen Cernawsky, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Kathy Chambers, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Paul Chenoweth, Adjunct Instructor in Media Studies
Kathy Chiavola, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Matt Chmieleski, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
William Choate, Adjunct instructor of Religion
Jennifer Cies-Muckala, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Bryan Clark, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Ann Coble, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Wayne Cole, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Raymond Conner, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Calvert Cook, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Administration
Joy Cook, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Mary Etta Cook, Adjunct Instructor of Communication Studies
Mary Cooper, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
Donna Copenhaver, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Sergio Corbo, Adjunct Instructor of International Business
Sarah Cote, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Terrell Cothran, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
Anthony Cottrill, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Jeff Cox, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Julie Cox, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Marie Coz, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Kay Creighton-Hays, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Jerry Crigger, Adjunct Instructor of Finance
David Crow, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Maureen Crowe, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Mario da Silva, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Pamela Daly, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Administration
Joseph Davidian, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Andrew Davis, Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy
Joshua Davis, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Dino Desantis, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Timothy Dempsey, Adjunct Instructor of English
Mary Dietrich, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Victoria Doner, Adjunct Instructor of English
Sally Ebel, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Marcy Erb, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Darlene Estes, Adjunct Instructor of Education
David Eubank, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Ann Eubanks, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Martha Ezell, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Don Fields, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
Jocelyn Fisher, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Aaron Fitzsimmons, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Bethel Flatt, Adjunct Instructor of Math
Harold Fogelberg, Instructor of Management
Ramona Galbreath, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Mika Garrett, Adjunct Instructor of Japanese
Tamara Garvey, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Mary George, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Brent Gerlach, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Larry German, Adjunct Instructor of Political Science
Carrie Gerow, Adjunct, Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Dawn Michelle Gibson, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
George Gilbert, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Jodi Glover, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Larry Mark Godwin, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Ellen Goebel, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Christopher Golden, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Trent Gongwer, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Sal Greco, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Shirley Green, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
George Grimes, Adjunct Instructor of Information Systems Management
Patricia Gunter, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Terry Hadaway, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Bill Halbert, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Tom Hallquist, Adjunct Instructor of Communication Studies
Jennifer Hamilton DeHart, Adjunct Instructor of Math
Linda Harmon, Adjunct Instructor of Music
George Harris, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
Jan Harris, Adjunct Instructor of English
Scott Harris, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Annemarie Harrod, Adjunct Instructor of Sociology
Patricia Harvey, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Harley Hatcher, Adjunct instructor of Music Business
David Hayes, Adjunct Instructor of Economics and Management
Joanne Hayward, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
Doug Heffington, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Lucas Hendrickson, Adjunct Instructor of Media Studies
James Hess, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Donna Hicks, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Cathy Hill, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Robert Hill, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Hilary Hinton, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Gayle Hoesel, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Marilyn Holland, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Sally Holt, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Catherine Hood, Adjunct Instructor of Math
Terri Hudson, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Julie Hunt, Adjunct Instructor of Social Work
Nancy Hunt, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Kenneth M. Hurst, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Rande Isabella, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Tara Jenkins, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Amy Jennings, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Sara Johnson, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Sherri Jones, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Sue Jones, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Joyce Jordan-Lake, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
James Kaiser, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
Jill Kares, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Mary Karpos, Adjunct Instructor of Sociology
Rhonda Kavan, Adjunct Instructor of English
Daniel Keen, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Charles Keith, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Todd Kemp, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Helen Kent-Pegram, Adjunct Instructor of Spanish
Joy Kimbrell, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Pauline Kimbro, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Tammy Rogers King, Adjunct Instructor of Music
June Kingsbury, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre and Dance
Shawn Knight, Adjunct Instructor of English
Lynette Kraft, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre and Dance
Jim Kramer, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Audrey Kuntz, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Peter Kuryla, Adjunct Instructor of History
Elizabeth Lambert, Adjunct, Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Jeff Langdon, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Kenneth Langley, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Stan Lassiter, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Kristopher Lattimore, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Lori LeBleu, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Franne Lee, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre/Dance
James Lee, Adjunct Instructor of Exercise Science
Sarah Lee, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Steven Leeds, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Thomas Leonard-Martin, Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy
Amy Lewis, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Frank Lewis, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Micah Ling, Adjunct Instructor of English
Jeff Lisenby, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Chris Lisle, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
Dan Lochrie, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Catherine Loes, Instructor of Marketing
Michael Loftin, Adjunct Instructor of Psychology
Todd London, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Angela Long, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Russell Long, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
Ralph Lovelace, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
April Lyons, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Clarence Lutz, Adjunct Instructor of Management
David Maddox, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Gregg Mangiafico, Adjunct Instructor of Music
John Marshall, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Bryon Martin, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
John Michael Mauldin, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
Steve Mauldin, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Rebecca McBride, Adjunct Instructor of Political Science
Paul McCullough, Adjunct Instructor of Finance and Management
Walter McDade, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
David McKay, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Michael McLain, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Cynthia McLane, Adjunct Instructor of Information Systems Management
Jamesina McLeod, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
Armon Means, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Ellen Menking , Adjunct Instructor of Music
Martha Minardi, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Stephanie Miserocchi, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Toy Lisa Mitchell, Adjunct Instructor of Communication Studies
Mark Moffett, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Barbara Moore, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Jeff Moore, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
Jane Morrell, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Melanie Morris, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Francesca Muccini, Adjunct Instructor of Italian
Sean Muldoon, Adjunct Instructor of Social Work
Rebecca Murphy, Adjunct Instructor of Social Work
Celeste Myall, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Ahad Nasab, Adjunct Instructor of Physics
Ginger Newman, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Keith Nicholas, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Kaye Nickell, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Heidi O’Gara Jellison, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Robert Ogilvie, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Kirsten O'Rourke Simonsen, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Stephanie Otto, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Leslie Overby, Adjunct Instructor of Marketing
Bill Owen, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Barbara Padovich, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Laurie Palotta, Adjunct Instructor of French
Charles Parker , Adjunct Instructor of Religion
David Patton, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Lori Patton, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Kathryn Payne, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Regina Peeler, Adjunct Instructor of History
Florencia Perez-Bray, Adjunct Instructor of Spanish
Jeffrey Phillips, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Gregory Pillon, Adjunct Instructor of Media Studies
Kathleen Pire-Benton, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Michael Poston, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
David Powell, Adjunct Instructor of English
Suzanne Previte, Adjunct Instructor of English
Bill Prince, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Kristen Price, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Virginia Purcell, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Ron Ramage, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
Susan Ramsay, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Andrew Ramsey, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Angela Rathjen, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Mary Rau-Foster, Adjunct Instructor of Management
John Ray, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Steven Reed, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Jacquelyn Reeves, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Kelli Reeves, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Robert Regan, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Andrew Risinger, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Patricia Roberts, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Caryn Robinson, Adjunct Instructor of Communication Studies
Dan Robinson, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
Dorren Robinson, Adjunct Instructor of Media Studies
Rodney Robinson, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
Roberta Rodgers, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Jon Roebuck, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Jefferson Rogers, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Joey Rosas, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Timothy Ross, Adjunct Instructor of English
Kenneth Rowe, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Thomas Russell, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Radu Rusu, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Lillian Sagar, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Gregory Sage, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Edward Salamon, Adjunct Instructor of Media Studies
Bruce Anthony Saunders, Adjunct Instructor of Business Law
Jennifer Sauvie, Adjunct Instructor of Social Work
Samuel Scanelly, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Steve Schnur, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Thomas Schuyler, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Raymond Seely, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
Talbot Selby, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Erica Sevier, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Jacquelyn Shallenberger, Adjunct Instructor of Math
Seth Sheridan, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Andrew Siao, Adjunct Instructor of Chinese
Tracy Silverman, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Laura Skaug, Adjunct Instructor of Music and Theatre/Dance
Susan Skinner, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Amy Smith, Adjunct Instructor of Business Law
Danny Smith, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Harold Smith, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Jacqueline Smith, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Joseph Smith, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Goli Sotoohi, Adjunct Instructor of Honors
Morton Southall, Adjunct Instructor of Art
Rebecca Spires, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
David Stacey, Adjunct Instructor of Finance
Jill Stafford, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
Amy Sturgis, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
William Summey, Adjunct Instructor of Religion
Laura Sunley, Adjunct Instructor of Education
Heather Swanger, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Claire Syler, Adjunct, Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Daniel Tatum, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre and Dance
Angela Taylor, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
Kim Terrill, Adjunct Instructor of Communication Studies
Chester Thompson, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Robert Thompson, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Maitane Tidwell, Adjunct Instructor of International Business
Benjamin Tischker, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Carolyn Treybig, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Kathleen Tucker, Adjunct Instructor of Spanish
Camille Turner, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy
Karen Turner, Adjunct Instructor of Liberal Studies
Valerie Vanderwest, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Edward VanVoorhees, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Cliff Vaughn, Adjunct Instructor of Media Studies
Roy Vogt, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Margie Voight, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
Sam Von Mizener, Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy
William VornDick, Adjunct Instructor of Audio Engineering Technology
Patsy Wade, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Megan Wakefield, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapy
John Wark, Adjunct Instructor of Entrepreneurship
Jonathan Watkins, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
Derico Watson, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Tiffany Watson, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Caleb Weeks, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Alena Wenker, Adjunct Instructor of Russian
Thomas Wheeler, Adjunct Instructor of Music Business
David White, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
Sara Whitfield, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
James Wigginton, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Steve Willets, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Helen Williams, Adjunct Instructor of Latin
Matthew Wilson, Adjunct Instructor of Entrepreneurship
Betty Wiseman, Adjunct Instructor of Sport Science
Laurie Woods, Adjunct Instructor of Sociology
Caroline Wooldridge, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre/Dance
Margie Yankeelov, Adjunct Instructor of Music
Zoro, Adjunct Instructor of Music