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Belmont University Undergraduate Catalog 2016-17

Officer Education Courses

Course Number Course Description
MS 110* Freshman Leadership Laboratory
MS 111* Introduction to Leadership
MS 112* Leadership Laboratory
MS 113* Leadership in Formal Organizations
MS 150* Sophomore Leadership Laboratory
MS 151* The Principles of War
MS 152* Ethics & Professionalism
MS 153* Leadership Laboratory
MS 211** Tactical Operations (includes Leadership Laboratory)
MS 212** Training Management (includes Leadership Laboratory)
MS 251** Senior Seminar: Organizational Leadership (includes Leadership Laboratory)
MS 252** Senior Seminar: Military Strategy (includes Leadership Laboratory)

*Basic Courses taken freshman and sophomore years.
**Advanced Courses taken junior and senior years.


There is absolutely no obligation for freshmen and sophomores who enroll in the ROTC courses. Junior and senior cadets, as well as all cadets who are on scholarship, have an obligation to serve in the United States Army. After graduation, service options include part-time career as an Army Reserve or National Guard officer with a unit near where they live and work or a full-time tour of active duty, one of the best starts to their future as a leader and involved citizen.

Contact Information

For more information contact the enrollment office at the Vanderbilt Army ROTC department at (615) 322-8550, toll free at 1-800-288-ROTC, or look on the web at

Military Science Minor

In addition to taking and receiving credit for Army ROTC through Vanderbilt University, Belmont students can elect to minor in military science through the Army ROTC programs at Vanderbilt University. Army ROTC cadets do not require additional courses be taken at Belmont. Students may receive the minor after earning 18 credit hours. Belmont students may elect to use the ROTC courses as elective credits rather than a minor.

Belmont students may declare a minor in Military Science by notifying the Office of the Registrar or their academic advisor plus taking the following six hours at Belmont:

  • 3 additional hours in the student's major
  • 3 additional hours from the College of Arts and Sciences
        (already recommended PHI 1510, Logic)

Students who participate in the Army ROTC program under the provisions of cross-town agreements receive all benefits, privileges, and compete for scholarships on the same basis as full-time students enrolled at Vanderbilt University.